Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lose in Afghanistan ????? (huh, what, why, what did I miss? ...Or to put it another way, What did THEY forget?))

    Lately there has been alot of talk about the war in Afghanistan and polls showing that most Americans now believe that it is a fruitless endeavour. Some are even suggesting that we cut and run, we have no business being there. Oh really.

    If we shouldn't be in Afghanistan, then where should we be? I have an opinion. Not one most people like or care to hear but I believe it to be true. You know, hindsight is both the arguement of fools and the best teacher. It's easy to look back on an event and find fault, then lay blame at the feet of the men and women who HAD to make the tough decisions. Men and women who stand on both sides of the aisle. Men and women who believe in their heart, just as strongly as you and I believe,that they are doing the right thing. Our press today is content eating caviar ladened toast points washed down with champagne with one hand while the other hand writes about the disparity between the rich and the poor. They decry every manuever our leader's make to try and keep us safe, but are the first to cry that more should have been done when a tragedy (or the inevitable) happens. Imagine if Wolf Blitzer did a live remote from the beaches of Nornandy on June 6th 1944 when THOUSANDS of American kids (men) lost their lives. I suppose the arguement may be made that if we'd have had the type of instantanious news coverage we have today, Hitler would have been stopped in Poland. Perhaps, but I doubt it.

    We stand by idly today and watch the murder of hundreds of thousands from every corner of the globe on cable then scramble to the store to make sure we have enough Parmesan cheese for tonight's meal. We are spoiled. We, despite the loss of 2996 innocent people on 09-11-2001, have again become complacent. It's brutally apparent in the threads on many websites and in conversations, or  lack of them,  at social gatherings. For months after we were attacked, finding dissent or complacency in a thread with any relevence to 9/11 would have been almost impossible. Now, the few that do participate in a dialogue are so polarized that the only way they will ever reunite will be over the bodies of more innocent dead Americans, in the days following the next attack.

    So what do we do? Where should we be fighting? Why fight? After all, fighting is bad isn't it? War is evil, isn't it? Of course it is. However, unfortuntately, to quote a cliche, "Those that don't remember history are doomed to repeat it". Whether we want to fight or not, we have to because there are forces in the world that are intent on our demise. Unless we can summon the courage those kids had on the beaches of Normandy, unless we in the homeland can lend them the support they need to carry out and win the fight, wherever our enemies are, we will lose, because our enemies will be coming for us again, hindsight.


billy said...

Test comment

Caddie said...

I think I am going to enjoy your blog so right now it is going into Favorites.

billybabble said...

Thanks Sissy, and welcome. It will be a hodgepodge of sorts but I hope you conitnue to find it entertaining.!!!!!

Unknown said...

Great piece Billy. Could not have said it better.